Ex: In
the circuit below, the currents in each element are labeled as shown. Using
the passive sign convention, label the potential difference across each element
and show its polarity.
labeling with current measurement arrows pointing from + signs to - signs of
voltage measurements is valid.)
Sol'n: The
passive sign convention dictates that the current measurement arrow always
points away from the + sign and toward the - sign of the voltage measurement.
Note that the current arrow and + and - sign for voltage indicate only the polarity of current and voltage measurementsÑNOT
the direction of the physical flow ofcurrent or the signof the actual voltage. In other words, the arrows
and + and - sign tell us how to connect the leads of a multimeter to make
a measurement. We do not know, (nor do we have to know), in advance which
direction current is flowing or what the actual sign of the voltage will be.