By: Neil E. Cotter
Ohm's law |
Physics |
Deriv: Ohm's law
is almost always derived from basic physics with a starting assumption that the
electric field inside a resistor is constant.
We first investigate this assumption.
The electric field outside of an infinite, charged plate (perpendicular to the x axis) is constant and pointing normal to the plate [1, p. 29]:
where and
is a unit
vector in the x direction.
By Gauss's law [ref] for a region of constant E field, we find zero charge density:
where and
Thus, the charges that create the E field in a resistor must be outside (or at the ends of) the resistor. Since the endpoint connections to a resistor are too small to be approximated as infinite plates, the infinite plate assumption seems to be suspect, but it seems reasonable to assume that the process inside a resistor is uniform throughout. Certainly, we expect a steady flow of current that is constant along the length of the resistor. Otherwise, charge would accumulate somewhere, causing either an oscillation (and radio frequency transmissions) or a stable electric field that yields a constant current flow in any case.
Since the electric field is the gradient of the potential, j, (or voltage, V) inside the resistor, the electric field must be the voltage drop across the resistor, V0, divided by the length, l, of the resistor.
or in this case
Having established or argued or accepted that the E field is constant in a resistor, the next step is to argue that electrons in a resistor will have a thermal velocity owing to temperature and a drift velocity owing to the voltage applied to the resistor. Each electron will have a random direction of motion for the thermal velocity (causing electrons to bounce around like billiard balls) plus a motion in the direction (actually, because the electron has negative charge, opposite the direction) of the electric field. The latter is called the "drift" velocity, and it accounts for the current that flows through the resistor.
To calculate the drift velocity, we consider the journey of an electron through the resistor. The electron collides with atoms or other electrons in the resistor after travelling an average time, t, that we refer to as the "mean time between collisions". During time t, the electron will experience constant acceleration in the direction of drift (or current flow) starting from (we assume) zero drift velocity to reach a final velocity of acceleration times time:
where and
It turns out that vdrift is much smaller than the thermal velocity, vT, so we approximate that the distance travelled on average, or "mean free path", l, is the product of vT and t:
Substituting for t in (4) gives a formula for vdrift in terms of quantities that have identifiable physical associations.
the mean free path, l, will have some correspondence to the spacing between atoms in
the resistor. Also, from physics, the
thermal velocity is given by
where and
The total current flowing in the resistor is the amount of charge passing position x along the resistor in one unit of time. It follows that the total current, I, is the drift velocity times the amount of charge at a given position x along the resistor.
8 we identify the term in parentheses as conductivity, s.
and, substituting in (8) we have
. (10)
Thus, we have arrived at Ohm's law.
and, substituting R
into (10), we have a statement of Ohm's law:
. (12)
A Note on Temperature
The appearance of temperature, T, in (7) might lead us to expect a simple variation of resistance with temperature. However, other quantities vary with temperature, too. The density of charge carriers, N, will increase with temperature, possibly in a nonlinear way, but l will drop with temperature as vibrations of atoms becomes more pronounced, also in a possibly nonlinear way. In materials with few charge carriers, such as insulators and semiconductors, the increase in N typically wins out and resistance decreases. In conductors with large numbers of carriers, the drop in l wins out and resistance increases.
A Comment on the
Derivation of Ohm's Law
The derivation of Ohm's law ultimately depends on the flow of current in the resistor being uniform and the consequent conclusion that the physics locally will look about the same throughout the resistor. A formal, detailed justification of this uniformity, however, is hard to find in the physics literature.
Ref: [1] Edward M. Purcell, Electricity and Magnetism: Berkeley Physics Course - vol 2, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1965.
[2] The Physics Hypertextbook: Gauss's Law,, Glenn Elert, accessed Aug 25, 2018.
Biblio: Bruce A. Sherwood and Ruth W. Chabay, A unified treatment of electrostatics and circuits, Pittsburg, PA: Carnegie Mellon., accessed Aug 25, 2018.
Elctrical resistivity and conductivity, Wikipedia, accessed Aug 25, 2018.
The Physics Hypertextbook: Electric Resistance,, Glenn Elert, accessed Aug 25, 2018.
Classical Concept Review 10: Mean Free Path, Modern Physics 6e/Classical Concept Review/Chapter_10_CCR_10_Mean_Free_Path.pdf, accessed Aug 25, 2018.
Lecture two: Electrical Resistivity of Materials,!04_07_34_PM.pdf, accessed Aug 25, 2018.
Drift velocity, Wikipedia,, accessed Aug 25, 2018.
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