Ex: By
sketching the impedance and admittance curves of series and parallel
combinations of L's and C's and adding them appropriately, we can find the
approximate resonance characteristics of multiple-resonant circuits. The
figures show examples of these curves.
We sketch the approximate total
reactance in Fig. 1 by noting that XC dominates at low frequencies and XL dominates at high frequencies.
We sketch the approximate total
susceptance in Fig. 2 by noting that BL dominates at low frequencies and BC dominates at high frequencies.
We sketch the approximate total
reactance in Fig. 3 by noting that XL dominates at low frequencies and XC dominates at high frequencies.
We sketch the approximate total
reactance in Fig 4 by summing the curve from Fig. 3 and the reactance
curve for C2. We find
that the reactance of C2
forms a resonance with the reactance of L1C1
at a frequency below the resonance of L1C1.
This new resonace is such that the entire circuit acts like a wire. There is
also still a resonance at exactly the resonant frequency for L1 and C1. This resonance is such
that the entire circuit acts like an open circuit, as it did before adding C2.