By:  Neil E. Cotter




Basic Probability



Notation and definitions






Def:          Experiment ≡ process that generates data

Ex:     Flip a fair coin twice.

Def:          Observation ≡ recording of information

Ex:     We flip the coin two times and get Heads Tails (or HT).

Def:          Outcome ≡ result of a hypothetical experiment; an element or member or sample point of sample space.

Ex:     When we flip the coin twice, there are four possible outcomes: HH, HT, TH, TT.

Def:          Sample Space S the set of all possible outcomes of a statistical experiment

Ex:     When we flip the coin twice, S is the set of possible outcomes:

S = {HH, HT, TH, TT}

Def:          Event ≡ subset of sample space S

Ex:     When we flip the coin twice, we may define an event A to be "we get Heads on the first flip".

A = {HH, HT}

Def:          Probability (of event A) ≡ weight (of event A) ≡ likelihood of obtaining outcome in A as the result of a hypothetical experiment

Ex:     For event A defined above, P(A) = 1/2 (meaning we have a 50-50 chance of getting Heads on the first flip).

Def:          Complement (of event A) A' ≡ subset of all elements of sample space S that are not in A

Ex:     For event A defined above, A' = {TH, TT} since the outcomes that start with Tails are the possible outcomes that are not in A.

Def:          Intersection (of events A and B) AB ≡ event consisting of all elements of sample space S that are common to A and B

Ex:     Suppose we define another event B to be "the outcome has one Heads and one Tails".

B = {HT, TH}

           For event A defined earlier,

AB = {HT} since HT is in both A and B

Note:     In general, we can have multiple outcomes in the intersection.

Def:          Mutually exclusive (events B and C) ≡ disjoint (events B and C) ≡ B and C have no elements in common ≡ BC = Æ (empty set)

Ex:     If we define event C = {HH}, then B (from earlier) and C are mutually exclusive since they have no elements (i.e., outcomes) in common.

BC = Æ

Def:          Union (of events A and B) AB ≡ event consisting of all elements of sample space S that are in either A or B or both

Ex:     For A and B defined above, the union of A and B has three elements:

AB = {HH, HT, TH}

Note:     If an outcome is in both events A and B, it appears only once in the union.

Def:          Partition (A1, A2, A3, ..., An of sample space S) ≡ events A1, A2, A3, ..., An are mutually exclusive and the union of A1, A2, A3, ..., An is S  AiAj = Æ when ij and A1A2A3 ... An = S

Ex:     If we define a new event, D = {TT}, then B, C, and D form a partition.

B = {HT, TH}

C = {HH}

D = {TT}

           Each outcome in sample space, S, appears in B, C, or D once and only once.