By: Neil E. Cotter |
Probability |
Joint pDF, f(x, y) |
Example 1 |
Ex: Find
for joint probability density
function f(x, y) = fX(x) fY(y) where fX(x) is a uniform distribution on the interval [0, 1] and fY(y) is a triangular distribution on the interval [0,2].
Sol'n: The
illustration, below, shows the 3-D shape
of f(x, y)
and the volume of f(x, y)
that lies over the region
and is equal to
The probability we are seeking is the volume of the small wedge. We may compute it by simple geometry as half the volume of a cube that measures 1/2 on each side:
By restricting the limits of integration to the region of the xy-plane where is nonzero, we have an expression for the probability we seek: