Carl H. Durney
RLC circuits
RC/RL solution
Example 5
Ex: In
the circuit below, based on the interpretation that an uncharged capacitance
initially looks like a short circuit and finally like an open circuit, give a
qualitative description of the current i
over time.
Ans: When
the switch is first closed, C looks like a short circuit. Hence at t = 0+, i can be found from voltage division to be 5 mA.
As t -> °, C begins to look
like an open circuit, in which case i
can again be found from current division to be i = 3 mA. Thus the asymptotic value of
i is 3 mA. Consequently, i decreases smoothly from an initial value of 5 mA to
a final value of 3 mA at a rate that depends on the time constant, Rt C2, where Rt is the Thevenin equivalent resistance across C.
For a small value of C, the decay will be fast; for a larger value of C, the
decay will be slower.