By: Neil E. Cotter |
Statistics |
Student's or t-distribution |
Distribution of sample mean |
Tool: For samples from a
normal (or gaussian) distribution with mean μ and variance σ2, the distribution of the
sample mean, , for n samples is normal (or gaussian) with the following
mean and variance:
It follows that random variable Z defined as follows has a standard normal (or gaussian) distribution:
Proof: The sample mean is the average of n independent samples.
Since the sample mean is a linear combination of
independent samples, it follows that the mean value of is the linear combination
of the mean values of the Xi.
Since the sample mean is a linear combination of independent samples, it also follows that the variance of the sample mean is a sum of variances of the Xi each multiplied by the square of their coefficient.
Finally, we note that a linear combination of independent normal (or gaussian) random variables is a normal (or gaussian) random variable.