Unit 1
To pass the unit exam, you must be able to do the following (using books and notes):
Learning Objective |
Reading |
CircuitsBasic DC circuitsPassive sign conventionExample 1 | (pdf)Example 2 | (pdf)
1.1 Consistently label directions of currents and polarity of potential differences in any given circuit (including independent voltage sources and independent current sources, and dependent sources). |
Chap 1 App A |
CircuitsBasic DC circuitsSources: v, i independ, dependExample 1 (pdf) |
1.2 Use the concepts of both independent and dependent voltage sources and current sources in designing and analyzing circuits. |
Chap 2: Sec 2.1 |
CircuitsKirchhoff's lawsCurrent sums at nodes | (pdf)Voltage loops | (pdf)Writing v and i eqnsExample 1 | (pdf)Example 2 | (pdf) |
1.3 Apply Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws to obtain equations relating voltages and currents in any given circuit. |
Chap 2: Sec 2.2 |
CircuitsOhm's lawStatementSeries resistorsParallel resistorsResistor networksExample 1 (pdf) |
1.4 Calculate and/or estimate the equivalent resistance (conductance) of a combination of resistances (conductances). Use equivalent resistances (conductances) to reduce circuits. |
Chap 2: Sec 2.3-2.4 |
AlgebraSimultaneous equationsExample (pdf) |
1.5 Solve linear simultaneous equations. |
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CircuitsKirchHoff's lawsSolving circuitsExample 1 (pdf)Example 2 (pdf) |
1.6 Apply Kirchhoff's and Ohm's laws to linear resistive circuits, solve for specified voltages and currents, and design circuits to given specifications, making consistency checks when appropriate. Apply Kirchhoff's and Ohm's laws qualitatively as well as quantitatively. |
Chap 2: Sec 2.4-2.5 |
CircuitsOhm's lawStatementSeries resistorsParallel resistorsResistor networksExample 1 (pdf) |
1.7 Calculate and/or estimate the equivalent resistance (conductance) of a combination of resistances (conductances). Use equivalent resistances (conductances) to reduce circuits. |
Chap 3: Sec 3.1-3.2 |
Circuitsv and i dividersVoltage dividerCurrent dividerExample (pdf) |
1.8 Apply voltage divider and current divider relations. |
Chap 3: Sec 3.3-3.4 |
Op-AmpsGolden rulesV+ = V-Zero input currentExample 1 (pdf)Example 2 (pdf) |
1.9 Analyze and design elementary op-amp circuits. |
Chap 5 |
CircuitsConsistency checks |
1.10 Make consistency checks. |
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* The material in this handout is based extensively on concepts developed by C. H. Durney, Professor Emeritus of the University of Utah.