To pass the unit exam, you must be able to do the following (using books and notes):
Learning Objective |
Reading |
RLC circuitsC (capacitor) equationsi = C dv/dtSeries capacitorsParallel capacitorsInitial conditionsC = open circuitCharge sharingV src modelFinal conditions open circuitEnergy storedExample 1 (pdf)Example 2 (pdf)L (inductor) equationsv = L di/dtSeries inductorsParallel inductorsInitial conditionsL = wireCurrent divisionI src modelFinal conditions wireEnergy storedExample 1 (pdf)Example 2 (pdf)
3.1 For a specified current through an inductance, find the voltage across it, and vice versa. For a specified voltage across a capacitance, find the current through it, and vice versa. From the voltages and currents, find energy stored in inductances and capacitances. Find the equivalence of inductances in series and parallel and of capacitances in series and parallel. |
Chap 6: Sec 6.1-6.3 |
RLC circuitsGeneral RC/RL solutionGeneral solutionTime const Thev equivSolution procedureExample 1 (pdf)Example 2 (pdf)
3.2 Find the natural response of any circuit containing just one inductance or one capacitance (or one equivalent inductance or one equivalent capacitance). |
Chap 7: Sec 7.1-7.2 |
RLC circuitsGeneral RC/RL solutionGeneral solutionTime const Thev equivSolution procedureExample 3 (pdf)Example 4 (pdf)
3.3 Find the step-function response of any circuit containing just one inductance or one capacitance (or one equivalent inductance or one equivalent capacitance). |
Chap 7: Sec 7.3 |
RLC circuitsGeneral RC/RL solutionGeneral solutionTime const Thev equivSolution procedureExample 5 | (pdf)Example 6 (pdf)Example 7 (pdf)
3.4 For given RC and RL circuits (containing only one equivalent storage element) give qualitative explanations based on the interpretations that: (1) uncharged capacitance looks initially like a short circuit and finally like an open circuit, and (2) inductance with no initial current looks initially like an open circuit and finally like a short circuit. |
Chap 7: Sec 7.4 |
CircuitsMax power xferExample (pdf) |
3.5 Apply the maximum power transfer theorem. |
Chap 4: Sec 4.12 |
SuperpositionCircuitsVDC + VDCExample 1 (pdf)Example 2 (pdf) |
3.6 Apply the principle of superposition. |
Chap 4: Sec 4.13 |
* The material in this handout is based extensively on concepts developed by C. H. Durney, Professor Emeritus of the University of Utah.